Monday, May 3, 2010

A Letter to My Unborn Babies

To My Babies,

As I sit here, it's 1:15am and for some reason I am not at all tired. I took a nap today (which is unusual at this point - not unusual the 1st trimester) and I was tired all day until about 10:00pm when I got a second wind. Daddy is sleeping on the couch and I am contemplating going to bed soon and laying there until I fall asleep. I thought before I did, I would take the time to write a letter to you guys (or girls, we don't know your genders yet).

I have to tell you that this is one of a few of the most amazing experiences of my life carrying the two of you.

The most amazing experience of my life was when I met the greatest man in my life, Jesus Christ. My prayer for you is that you will meet Jesus early in life, surrender your life to Him, and that you will try your best to walk daily in His will. No matter where you go, what you do, or who you are with, Jesus Christ can always be there with you, you just have to ask Him to dwell with you and in you everyday. He is the most important relationship you should have in your life. There is no one, not even your parents or future spouse, that can fill that space in your heart. Mommy knows because when I met Jesus I knew your awesome, unconditionally loving daddy 2 years and even he couldn't be what I needed.

The second greatest experience of my life was when I married your daddy. He is the kindest, sweetest, most loving man I have ever known. I knew I wanted to marry him only a few months after we started dating. No one ever treated me or loved me the way that your daddy did and does. When he asked me to marry him, my heart was full and I don't think I stopped smiling for days. The day that we committed our lives to one another, I knew that we both meant it and would be together forever. I couldn't wait to spend everyday of my life with him making memories and enjoying our children (and future grandchildren) together. He is the best husband anyone could even dream to have. I pray that you find a spouse that is surrendered to Jesus and loves Him with all his/her heart, who will love you unconditionally and that you will love unconditionally, that you respect and who respects you, who you can share all of life's ups and downs with, and who will be there old and grey when you are older.

The third greatest experience of my life was when I met your older brother. From the minute I found out I was pregnant with him until the day I met him for the first time, I had an instant connection to him. I always longed to be a mommy and was so thrilled that God in His infinite wisdom made me a mommy early in life. Even though daddy and I had only been married 19 months when Luke was born and we were young and just starting our lives, we enjoyed all of it. Seeing your daddy be a daddy made me love him even more (I didn't know that was possible). Your brother is a sweet, loving, kind, and fun boy and has been waiting for you guys for a couple of years. He asked me for a baby when he was less than 3 years old. He prayed for you guys before we even knew we were pregnant. He even wanted twins. Everyday that I have been pregnant, he has prayed for you, talked about you, rubbed my tummy, hugged my tummy, and kissed my tummy. He can't wait to meet you. You are going to be blessed to have him as an older brother and he will be blessed to have you as his younger siblings.

Being pregnant with you has been just a whirlwind of emotions. Finding out I was pregnant with you made me so happy and overwhelmed with thanksgiving that God had answered my prayers. I wanted you sooooooo bad and I remember crying out to God for months to give me babies. He is faithful to answer our prayers in His time and in His will. When I found out that I was carrying two babies, I was even more excited and thankful to God. God has a definite plan and purpose for our lives no matter what the situation may look like. We can never lose faith, because without faith we really have nothing. Everyday I have thought of you, prayed for you, and loved you. Everytime I get to see you on the ultrasounds or hear your heartbeats, I am filled with complete amazement and thankfulness. I am so thrilled to have two healthy babies growing in my body. I will do everything I can to ensure that you have a great start in life.

I can't wait to meet you guys and see your personalities and watch you grow. I am looking forward to our life together, teaching you and molding and shaping you (with God's guidance and leading) into amazing, Godly people. You are already in my heart, I can't wait to have you in my arms.

Your Momma

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