Well today around noon I started having Braxton Hicks contractions and pain in my stomach. After almost two hours, I figured I should call my doctor. I figured they would say, "Everything is okay, just lay down, and drink water." Nope, they wanted me to come in right away. That got me a little concerned, but I know that God has His hands on me and the babies. I got my prayer warriors praying and headed to the office.
They checked my cervix and it was closed and very, very thick. They also did a non-stress test (NST) for about an hour in which they monitored the babies heartbeats, movements, and if I had contractions. They had the same strong heartbeats, moved the whole time, and I didn't have any contractions (or at least nothing they seemed concerned about). The hardest part was keeping Luke entertained for the duration.
She told me that any discomfort I have (ie groin pain, pelvic pain, leg pain) is completely normal with a subsequent pregnancy and with multiples. YAY! ;) She also said if I get Braxton Hicks contractions to lay down and drink a lot of water and see if they get better/worse. If worse, I am to call.
So everything looks really good. I am looking good for not having pre-term labor. YAY! I am really praying that no matter how uncomfortable I have to be that I can make it to 37-38 weeks and have healthy, hearty babies. I appreciate everyone's prayers. I know they are working. :)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Baby Clothes Everywhere
I am amazed by how many baby clothes we have. I didn't realize Luke had so much and then when my mom bought a ton of girl stuff from her friend (THANKS MOM!) and we put it all out in our room, it was crazy. After a few weekends of going through, sorting, organizing, laundering, and putting it all away, we finally have space to walk in our room again.
As I went through those teeny tiny, precious baby clothes and laid them in piles and then carefully washed, dried, folded, and organized them into their drawers I couldn't help but think how grateful I was to 1) be having these precious babies, 2) have all of these cute clothes to dress them in, and 3) have a beautiful home and nursery to raise them in.
I am so amazed at what God has blessed me with, how hard Lee works to provide for our family, how generous our family and friends are, and just how awesome this experience has been. I am really thankful for all of our blessings.
As I went through those teeny tiny, precious baby clothes and laid them in piles and then carefully washed, dried, folded, and organized them into their drawers I couldn't help but think how grateful I was to 1) be having these precious babies, 2) have all of these cute clothes to dress them in, and 3) have a beautiful home and nursery to raise them in.
I am so amazed at what God has blessed me with, how hard Lee works to provide for our family, how generous our family and friends are, and just how awesome this experience has been. I am really thankful for all of our blessings.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
21 Week Doctor's Appointment
So on Friday (6/25) I had my 21 week doctor's appointment. It went really well. I had gained 8 pounds in 4 weeks (a total of 12 for the whole pregnancy), my blood pressure was great (112/60 I believe), and we heard both heartbeats (130s/140s for both). She did tell me to keep an eye out for signs of preterm labor (Braxton Hicks contractions or cramps) as it is more common with multiples. Everything has been fine so far so I am not worried. I will keep an eye out just in case.
I go back for a check-up and in-office ultrasound in 4 weeks (25 weeks). I am also getting another "special" ultrasound at the hospital in 3 weeks (24 weeks). I can't wait to see the babies again. It's fun having twins in that you get tons of ultrasounds.
The coolest thing I heard was "24 weeks is the week of viability" which means that the babies have a good chance of survival then, not that they will be born then (God-willing), but it is nice to hear.
I am just so thankful that everything is going well. I can't wait to see the babies again in a few weeks. They are awesome miracles from God. :)
I go back for a check-up and in-office ultrasound in 4 weeks (25 weeks). I am also getting another "special" ultrasound at the hospital in 3 weeks (24 weeks). I can't wait to see the babies again. It's fun having twins in that you get tons of ultrasounds.
The coolest thing I heard was "24 weeks is the week of viability" which means that the babies have a good chance of survival then, not that they will be born then (God-willing), but it is nice to hear.
I am just so thankful that everything is going well. I can't wait to see the babies again in a few weeks. They are awesome miracles from God. :)
21 Week Survey
How Far Along? 21 weeks
Maternity Clothes? Yep. I get bigger everyday.
Stretch Marks? Yes, but not too bad.
Sleep? I get decent sleep, minus bathroom breaks (a few each night) and readjusting to get comfortable.
Best Moment of the Week? Going for our doctor's appointment and hearing both heartbeats. I love hearing their heartbeats. Even though I can feel them, it's neat to hear their little hearts beating so perfectly.
Genders? Baby A is a boy (Nathan Reid) and Baby B is a girl (Alexis Faith). We are really excited to have one of each. I didn't care at all going into it and thought out all of the possibilities and I knew God would give us the perfect combo. I know He did and I can't wait to meet my little girl and my 2nd little boy. I have loved having a boy so I am super excited to have another boy and really looking forward to having a sweet little princess to spoil with love. :)
Belly Button In or Out? Coming out slowly.
Cravings? Water, apples, milk, yogurt smoothies, cereal, Bagel Bites, hearty meals
What I Miss? Comfort. Being able to do everything like I usually do.
What I Love? Growing two healthy babies, spending time with Luke while it's just him still, eating, sleeping, and resting without guilt. ;)
What I Am Looking Forward to This Week? Getting stuff ready for the babies more and more. Spending time with Luke enjoying our summer. Eating, sleeping, and resting.
Milestones? We can see my belly moving a lot. If I sit still, you can see an arm or leg or something poke out.
Feeling the Babies Move? Oh yeah. They are wild. I LOVE IT!
Other Thoughts? I have just begun to realize that we are really getting there. I have been spending so much time with Luke enjoying our summer, doing school, and getting the house ready for the babies that the time is going by really quickly. It's bittersweet I have to say as I am going to miss all the one-on-one time I have with Luke, but am really looking forward to having our precious babies.
Prayer Requests? Please just continue to pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy and full-term delivery. Also pray that we all adjust well to the new babies, especially Luke. I have been having a lot of discomfort as I get bigger. Please just pray that I deal well with everything that comes my way and keep a positive attitude. Thanks!
***I just wanted to add that I am really thankful for all of the prayers, messages, love, and support we have been getting during this pregnancy. It is nice to know so many people love and care about us and our babies. We appreciate everything.***
Maternity Clothes? Yep. I get bigger everyday.
Stretch Marks? Yes, but not too bad.
Sleep? I get decent sleep, minus bathroom breaks (a few each night) and readjusting to get comfortable.
Best Moment of the Week? Going for our doctor's appointment and hearing both heartbeats. I love hearing their heartbeats. Even though I can feel them, it's neat to hear their little hearts beating so perfectly.
Genders? Baby A is a boy (Nathan Reid) and Baby B is a girl (Alexis Faith). We are really excited to have one of each. I didn't care at all going into it and thought out all of the possibilities and I knew God would give us the perfect combo. I know He did and I can't wait to meet my little girl and my 2nd little boy. I have loved having a boy so I am super excited to have another boy and really looking forward to having a sweet little princess to spoil with love. :)
Belly Button In or Out? Coming out slowly.
Cravings? Water, apples, milk, yogurt smoothies, cereal, Bagel Bites, hearty meals
What I Miss? Comfort. Being able to do everything like I usually do.
What I Love? Growing two healthy babies, spending time with Luke while it's just him still, eating, sleeping, and resting without guilt. ;)
What I Am Looking Forward to This Week? Getting stuff ready for the babies more and more. Spending time with Luke enjoying our summer. Eating, sleeping, and resting.
Milestones? We can see my belly moving a lot. If I sit still, you can see an arm or leg or something poke out.
Feeling the Babies Move? Oh yeah. They are wild. I LOVE IT!
Other Thoughts? I have just begun to realize that we are really getting there. I have been spending so much time with Luke enjoying our summer, doing school, and getting the house ready for the babies that the time is going by really quickly. It's bittersweet I have to say as I am going to miss all the one-on-one time I have with Luke, but am really looking forward to having our precious babies.
Prayer Requests? Please just continue to pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy and full-term delivery. Also pray that we all adjust well to the new babies, especially Luke. I have been having a lot of discomfort as I get bigger. Please just pray that I deal well with everything that comes my way and keep a positive attitude. Thanks!
***I just wanted to add that I am really thankful for all of the prayers, messages, love, and support we have been getting during this pregnancy. It is nice to know so many people love and care about us and our babies. We appreciate everything.***
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Perks of Pregnancy
So there are the obvious annoyances (and even pains) of pregnancy (ie going to the bathroom every 30 minutes, tossing and turning at night, stomach stretching pains, etc), but I have to say that I truly believe the perks outweigh the not-so-fun things.
The Perks of Pregnancy:
* Well the number one perk is the baby (babies) obviously. At the end of what feels like the longest 9 months (give or take) of your life, you get a baby (babies) that will forever change your life. I personally feel if there was nothing else, this would be the only perk necessary. If not, women wouldn't keep doing this ;)
* You always get a seat (or the best seat). When you waddle into a room, people jump out of their chairs to offer you one (or at least they should).
* You can eat without guilt. Of course you might pay for that one at the end, but in general people don't look at you funny when you go for seconds (or thirds) or eat every hour.
* You can sleep/rest without guilt. No one looks at you funny when you go to bed at 8pm or want to take a nap everyday.
* People do things for you (especially heavy lifting things). When I go to the grocery store, I don't mind letting someone take my groceries to the car for me. I don't mind having my husband unload the car or carry laundry baskets for me. It's nice having help without feeling bad.
* You can have food you crave. Again, you might pay for it in the end (especially if your cravings are sweets or fried foods as most pregnant women's are), but it's nice to eat those cheese fries once in a while without getting funny looks.
* You get the experience of growing a life inside of you. Again like having the baby, this is one of the best perks. Feeling them kick and move and knowing that each day they are growing and getting stronger and healthier is awesome. It's the greatest experience in my opinion. I am so glad I get to experience it (at least two times).
The Perks of Pregnancy:
* Well the number one perk is the baby (babies) obviously. At the end of what feels like the longest 9 months (give or take) of your life, you get a baby (babies) that will forever change your life. I personally feel if there was nothing else, this would be the only perk necessary. If not, women wouldn't keep doing this ;)
* You always get a seat (or the best seat). When you waddle into a room, people jump out of their chairs to offer you one (or at least they should).
* You can eat without guilt. Of course you might pay for that one at the end, but in general people don't look at you funny when you go for seconds (or thirds) or eat every hour.
* You can sleep/rest without guilt. No one looks at you funny when you go to bed at 8pm or want to take a nap everyday.
* People do things for you (especially heavy lifting things). When I go to the grocery store, I don't mind letting someone take my groceries to the car for me. I don't mind having my husband unload the car or carry laundry baskets for me. It's nice having help without feeling bad.
* You can have food you crave. Again, you might pay for it in the end (especially if your cravings are sweets or fried foods as most pregnant women's are), but it's nice to eat those cheese fries once in a while without getting funny looks.
* You get the experience of growing a life inside of you. Again like having the baby, this is one of the best perks. Feeling them kick and move and knowing that each day they are growing and getting stronger and healthier is awesome. It's the greatest experience in my opinion. I am so glad I get to experience it (at least two times).
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Incredible Expanding Woman
"The Incredible Expanding Woman" will be appearing this Fall at a local fair near you. That woman is me apparantly. ;) Today when I was checking out at Harris Teeter the cashier asked me, "When are you due?" (implying that it must be pretty soon) I said, "November 5th." She said, "Oh." (it was more like WOW!!!!!) I told her it was twins. She went on to ask the normal twin questions. I guess I am a lot bigger than I thought. Luke let me know that last night when he said, "Mommy you are fat." Such a charmer. I told him that it would be nicer to say, "Mommy your beautiful pregnant belly is getting bigger." ;)
I still have 16 weeks (give or take) to go and I really can't imagine how big my tummy is going to be. I seem to eat more everyday and did most of my growing with Luke from 20 weeks on. By the Fall Lee and Luke could charge admission for viewings of "The Incredible Expanding Woman." ;) Maybe they can enter me as an attraction at the NC State Fair.
I still have 16 weeks (give or take) to go and I really can't imagine how big my tummy is going to be. I seem to eat more everyday and did most of my growing with Luke from 20 weeks on. By the Fall Lee and Luke could charge admission for viewings of "The Incredible Expanding Woman." ;) Maybe they can enter me as an attraction at the NC State Fair.
Friday, June 18, 2010
20 Week Survey
How Far Along? 20 weeks - officially 5 months pregnant (YAY!!!)
Maternity Clothes? Oh yeah. I went shopping last weekend and got a bunch of new tops and a couple of new pairs of capris. I held out as long as I could but I was getting down to a very limited wardrobe.
Stretch Marks? Some, but not bad yet. I think they are from before.
Sleep? I do pretty good at night, minus bathroom breaks and a lot of readjusting. Most nights I get about 8 hours total. I take a nap if I need it but mostly I rest during the day when I am tired.
Best Moment of the Week? Seeing my belly vibrate/bounce (don't know the right word) when the babies kick. Getting their nursery bedding and decor and finishing planning their nursery. Registering. Going through all the baby stuff. Lots of fun this week. ;)
Genders? Baby A is a boy - Nathan Reid - and Baby B is a girl - Alexis Faith. I am really excited about having one of each. I think it will be fun for Luke to have a brother and a sister. I also hope they won't be compared as much since they will most likely have a lot of differences.
Belly Button In or Out? In still but definitely trying to come out.
Cravings? Chicken Fajita Pitas - went to Pita Delite and bought the sauce and have been making my own. YUMMY! I also love water, apples, peaches, chips/salty snacks, pizza, and hearty meals.
What I Miss? Being able to go go go and not be exhausted or worn out. I can't do as much which is hard for me. I am embracing it though. This is a special time and growing two healthy babies is my #1 priority right now.
What I Love? Growing two miracles. Feeling them move. Not having to feel guilty for not doing everything like I normally would. Oh and eating, of course. ;)
What I Am Looking Forward to This Week? Non-baby - family cookout tonight, date night tomorrow night, and spending time with my boys. Baby - growing the babies, feeling them move all the time, and going through more baby clothes.
Milestones? 20 weeks (a new decade) and 5 months (a new month). Seeing my belly move when the babies kick. People being able to feel both consistently on the outside.
Feeling the Babies Move? Yes, all the time. They are wild. You can feel them on the outside a lot now too. My belly vibrates/bounces with their kicks.
Other Thoughts? I am just really thankful for family and friends and generosity. We have been overly blessed with baby stuff. I was amazed when we went to register and only needed a few things. It's really nice to not feel financially overwhelmed since we needed 2 of almost everything. I'll never forget the generosity we have experienced. God always provides.
Prayer Requests? Continued prayer for a healthy and safe pregnancy, no bedrest, full-term delivery, and great adjustment to having 3 kids. We are really thankful for all the prayers. :)
Maternity Clothes? Oh yeah. I went shopping last weekend and got a bunch of new tops and a couple of new pairs of capris. I held out as long as I could but I was getting down to a very limited wardrobe.
Stretch Marks? Some, but not bad yet. I think they are from before.
Sleep? I do pretty good at night, minus bathroom breaks and a lot of readjusting. Most nights I get about 8 hours total. I take a nap if I need it but mostly I rest during the day when I am tired.
Best Moment of the Week? Seeing my belly vibrate/bounce (don't know the right word) when the babies kick. Getting their nursery bedding and decor and finishing planning their nursery. Registering. Going through all the baby stuff. Lots of fun this week. ;)
Genders? Baby A is a boy - Nathan Reid - and Baby B is a girl - Alexis Faith. I am really excited about having one of each. I think it will be fun for Luke to have a brother and a sister. I also hope they won't be compared as much since they will most likely have a lot of differences.
Belly Button In or Out? In still but definitely trying to come out.
Cravings? Chicken Fajita Pitas - went to Pita Delite and bought the sauce and have been making my own. YUMMY! I also love water, apples, peaches, chips/salty snacks, pizza, and hearty meals.
What I Miss? Being able to go go go and not be exhausted or worn out. I can't do as much which is hard for me. I am embracing it though. This is a special time and growing two healthy babies is my #1 priority right now.
What I Love? Growing two miracles. Feeling them move. Not having to feel guilty for not doing everything like I normally would. Oh and eating, of course. ;)
What I Am Looking Forward to This Week? Non-baby - family cookout tonight, date night tomorrow night, and spending time with my boys. Baby - growing the babies, feeling them move all the time, and going through more baby clothes.
Milestones? 20 weeks (a new decade) and 5 months (a new month). Seeing my belly move when the babies kick. People being able to feel both consistently on the outside.
Feeling the Babies Move? Yes, all the time. They are wild. You can feel them on the outside a lot now too. My belly vibrates/bounces with their kicks.
Other Thoughts? I am just really thankful for family and friends and generosity. We have been overly blessed with baby stuff. I was amazed when we went to register and only needed a few things. It's really nice to not feel financially overwhelmed since we needed 2 of almost everything. I'll never forget the generosity we have experienced. God always provides.
Prayer Requests? Continued prayer for a healthy and safe pregnancy, no bedrest, full-term delivery, and great adjustment to having 3 kids. We are really thankful for all the prayers. :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Kick Me Babies One More Time
Lately these babies have been going crazy. They move a lot and get really encouraged when I intake something cold or sugary. Lee can feel both of them a lot now. Last night we even saw my tummy bounce (don't know the right word) everytime one of them kicked. Today it's the same thing. It is really cool. I love it! It makes me know how hearty and healthy they are.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Alexis and Nathan's Nursery
We had so much fun today. We met my mom, Granny, Jenn, and her kids at Pottery Barn Kids at the mall today. I was a little nervous that it would be hard to find two bedding sets that were each gender specific (yes I like blue for boys and pink or purple for girls) yet coordinated. Well we managed to successfully find bedding sets and all of the accessories to outfit the nursery in one hour. Here's what we are doing.
Nathan is getting the Eli's Elephants bedding set and Alexis is getting the Lindsey Butterflies bedding set. We are going to use the crib sheets (plus some basic blue and pink sheets), crib skirts, bumpers, quilts (for decoration), and mobiles. We are going to paint the nursery a sage green (both bedding sets have a similar green in them). We are going to put up three valences (pink, blue, and sage) with coordinating rod hardware. We are going to use three colored (pink, blue, and sage) changing table pad covers. I think it is going to be precious.
Here is Nathan's Eli's Elephants bedding:

Nathan is getting the Eli's Elephants bedding set and Alexis is getting the Lindsey Butterflies bedding set. We are going to use the crib sheets (plus some basic blue and pink sheets), crib skirts, bumpers, quilts (for decoration), and mobiles. We are going to paint the nursery a sage green (both bedding sets have a similar green in them). We are going to put up three valences (pink, blue, and sage) with coordinating rod hardware. We are going to use three colored (pink, blue, and sage) changing table pad covers. I think it is going to be precious.
Here is Nathan's Eli's Elephants bedding:

Friday, June 11, 2010
19 Week Survey
How Far Along? 19 weeks
Maternity Clothes? Oh yeah. Going shopping for bigger stuff this weekend. I am getting huge.
Stretch Marks? Not really. I think they are residual from Luke. Praying they don't get worse.
Sleep? It's hit or miss. Some nights I sleep great and get up only once or twice to go to the bathroom and other nights I can't sleep well and get up a lot or have to adjust a lot. I got a great body pillow that does help.
Best Moment of the Week? Going for our 18 week ultrasound and seeing both babies. They were perfectly healthy, weighed 8 oz each (right on target), had no defects (including cleft lip), and we got to find out the genders. We are having one boy (Baby A) and one girl (Baby B). We are excited. It was also great finding out that my cervix was 4 cm which reduces my risk of preterm labor. We also bought them some coordinating onesies which was fun. I am getting excited that we can get everything ready for them.
Genders? One boy (Baby A) and one girl (Baby B). The boy's name is Nathan Reid and the girl's name is Alexis Faith.
Belly Button In or Out? Slowly coming out which is kind of scary. ;)
Cravings? Chicken Fajita Pita from Pita Delite - had two this week, Water, Fruit, Milk, Froot Loops (at night), Pasta, Hearty Meals, Lemon Meal Bars
What I Miss? Comfort
What I Love? Growing two awesome miracles. Knowing their genders and names - makes it more real. Feeling them move all the time.
What I Am Looking Forward to This Week? Going through baby stuff, buying the bedding sets this weekend, planning the nursery (hopefully getting stuff ready to paint the nursery), eating, resting, and spending time with my boys.
Milestones? We are defintely at least halfway there. We can't have the babies past 38 weeks (most likely it will be sooner).
Feeling the Babies Move? Yes. Nathan is very active. I feel him all day. Alexis is not as active or the movements aren't as strong because I don't feel her as much. Funny thing is Lee and Luke can feel Alexis but not Nathan.
Other Thoughts? I am just thankful that they are doing great and we are enjoying this time before they are born.
Prayer Requests? Just continued prayers for health and safety during this pregnancy, full-term labor, healthy delivery, and that all the logistics will work out for a smooth transition into a family of 5. :)
I must say a big thank you to my husband, the most awesome man I know. He has been and continues to be so awesome during this pregnancy. He takes great care of me and Luke, goes to the grocery store to help me, cleans up the house since I can't do as much, gets me stuff, and doesn't complain. He is always great, but I am amazed at how much he does for me. He cares so much about me and his kids. I am just super thankful and want to thank God for giving me this awesome man.
Maternity Clothes? Oh yeah. Going shopping for bigger stuff this weekend. I am getting huge.
Stretch Marks? Not really. I think they are residual from Luke. Praying they don't get worse.
Sleep? It's hit or miss. Some nights I sleep great and get up only once or twice to go to the bathroom and other nights I can't sleep well and get up a lot or have to adjust a lot. I got a great body pillow that does help.
Best Moment of the Week? Going for our 18 week ultrasound and seeing both babies. They were perfectly healthy, weighed 8 oz each (right on target), had no defects (including cleft lip), and we got to find out the genders. We are having one boy (Baby A) and one girl (Baby B). We are excited. It was also great finding out that my cervix was 4 cm which reduces my risk of preterm labor. We also bought them some coordinating onesies which was fun. I am getting excited that we can get everything ready for them.
Genders? One boy (Baby A) and one girl (Baby B). The boy's name is Nathan Reid and the girl's name is Alexis Faith.
Belly Button In or Out? Slowly coming out which is kind of scary. ;)
Cravings? Chicken Fajita Pita from Pita Delite - had two this week, Water, Fruit, Milk, Froot Loops (at night), Pasta, Hearty Meals, Lemon Meal Bars
What I Miss? Comfort
What I Love? Growing two awesome miracles. Knowing their genders and names - makes it more real. Feeling them move all the time.
What I Am Looking Forward to This Week? Going through baby stuff, buying the bedding sets this weekend, planning the nursery (hopefully getting stuff ready to paint the nursery), eating, resting, and spending time with my boys.
Milestones? We are defintely at least halfway there. We can't have the babies past 38 weeks (most likely it will be sooner).
Feeling the Babies Move? Yes. Nathan is very active. I feel him all day. Alexis is not as active or the movements aren't as strong because I don't feel her as much. Funny thing is Lee and Luke can feel Alexis but not Nathan.
Other Thoughts? I am just thankful that they are doing great and we are enjoying this time before they are born.
Prayer Requests? Just continued prayers for health and safety during this pregnancy, full-term labor, healthy delivery, and that all the logistics will work out for a smooth transition into a family of 5. :)
I must say a big thank you to my husband, the most awesome man I know. He has been and continues to be so awesome during this pregnancy. He takes great care of me and Luke, goes to the grocery store to help me, cleans up the house since I can't do as much, gets me stuff, and doesn't complain. He is always great, but I am amazed at how much he does for me. He cares so much about me and his kids. I am just super thankful and want to thank God for giving me this awesome man.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Which Baby Is That?
So it has gotten to the point that I can't definitively tell which baby is kicking/punching me. I am feeling movement in new areas and it is hard to tell if it is too high to be Nathan or too far to the right to be Alexis. It's pretty neat. I love feeling them move. It makes me feel good and reassures me that they are both healthy and strong. I look forward to Lee and Luke getting to feel it more and even be able to see them from the outside.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Hungry and Eating All the Time
WOW! I can't believe how hungry I am. I am hungry all day especially every couple of hours. I eat breakfast, lunch, 2nd lunch, sometimes dinner, 2nd dinner, and a snack. If I don't eat every couple of hours, I get really crazy and sick feeling. I have to eat real food like mini-meals. Leftovers don't last long. ;) I am trying to eat lots of fruits, dairy, and real food and not too much junky stuff.
I think I am going to gain the bulk of my weight in the next couple of months if this appetite sticks. It's worth it to grow two healthy babies. I do think it is nice to eat without guilt. I don't want to gain too much, but I will eat as much as my body screams for.
I think I am going to gain the bulk of my weight in the next couple of months if this appetite sticks. It's worth it to grow two healthy babies. I do think it is nice to eat without guilt. I don't want to gain too much, but I will eat as much as my body screams for.
Friday, June 4, 2010
18 Week Ultrasound
We had our 18 week ultrasound today. It was great. Both of the babies measured perfectly (each weighed 8 oz), had no defects (including cleft lip which Ashley has), and had heartbeats of 148. Baby A is a boy and Baby B is a girl. We are naming them Nathan Reid and Alexis Faith. Here are the pictures from the ultrasound.
Baby A - It's a boy!

18 Week Survey
How Far Along? 18 weeks
Maternity Clothes? Yes and I am going to be buying a bigger size in tops and dresses. My belly is huge which makes me really happy since I am growing two healthy babies in there.
Stretch Marks? Some but not too many. I think they are old ones. I just pray I don't get too many new ones and that the old ones don't get worse ;). Wishful thinking I know.
Sleep? I am finding that I don't need as much as I did the first trimester and am not as tired at night as I was before. I don't sleep great as I have to adjust a lot and put pillows different places for comfort. I usually get to sleep about 8 hours on and off.
Best Moment of the Week? Wearing a maternity bathing suit ;) JK. I did really enjoy our beach trip. I kept thinking, "This time next year, we will have 2 7-8 month olds with us. Boy that will be different."
Genders? Don't know yet. We find out today actually. I CAN'T WAIT!!! I am going with two of the same. Lee and Luke are going one of each (as are a lot of people). I will update ASAP.
Belly Button In or Out? In, but gradually coming out of hiding.
Cravings? Water, fruit, meat, hearty meals (I don't truly crave stuff much, but just enjoy eating most foods)
What I Miss? Being comfortable - I tend to have some ache a lot, but it is so worth it.
What I Love? Growing these precious babies.
What I Am Looking Forward to This Week? Finding out the genders today and seeing the babies and what they look like and their growth over the past 6 weeks. I am also looking forward to planning more as we will know what they are - nursery, registry, etc.
Milestones? 18 weeks - 1/2 way there as twins come between 34-38 weeks (taking an average of 36 weeks).
Feeling the Babies Move? Yes. I got a nice kick in the ribs from Baby B this week. It was funny. Baby A seems to be more active (or I am feeling him/her more) now than Baby B. I felt Baby B a lot more before.
Other Thoughts? I am super excited that as I write this, my appointment is 6 hours away.
Prayer Requests? Same as always, health and safety for me and the babies, a full-term gestation, a safe delivery, and a great transition to a bigger family with 2 newborns. I also ask for prayer that I stay in control of my emotions and don't complain too much as I get more and more uncomfortable each day. It's tough at times carrying two, but I know the reward is 1 million times greater than any struggle. To God be all the glory for this double miracle!!!
Maternity Clothes? Yes and I am going to be buying a bigger size in tops and dresses. My belly is huge which makes me really happy since I am growing two healthy babies in there.
Stretch Marks? Some but not too many. I think they are old ones. I just pray I don't get too many new ones and that the old ones don't get worse ;). Wishful thinking I know.
Sleep? I am finding that I don't need as much as I did the first trimester and am not as tired at night as I was before. I don't sleep great as I have to adjust a lot and put pillows different places for comfort. I usually get to sleep about 8 hours on and off.
Best Moment of the Week? Wearing a maternity bathing suit ;) JK. I did really enjoy our beach trip. I kept thinking, "This time next year, we will have 2 7-8 month olds with us. Boy that will be different."
Genders? Don't know yet. We find out today actually. I CAN'T WAIT!!! I am going with two of the same. Lee and Luke are going one of each (as are a lot of people). I will update ASAP.
Belly Button In or Out? In, but gradually coming out of hiding.
Cravings? Water, fruit, meat, hearty meals (I don't truly crave stuff much, but just enjoy eating most foods)
What I Miss? Being comfortable - I tend to have some ache a lot, but it is so worth it.
What I Love? Growing these precious babies.
What I Am Looking Forward to This Week? Finding out the genders today and seeing the babies and what they look like and their growth over the past 6 weeks. I am also looking forward to planning more as we will know what they are - nursery, registry, etc.
Milestones? 18 weeks - 1/2 way there as twins come between 34-38 weeks (taking an average of 36 weeks).
Feeling the Babies Move? Yes. I got a nice kick in the ribs from Baby B this week. It was funny. Baby A seems to be more active (or I am feeling him/her more) now than Baby B. I felt Baby B a lot more before.
Other Thoughts? I am super excited that as I write this, my appointment is 6 hours away.
Prayer Requests? Same as always, health and safety for me and the babies, a full-term gestation, a safe delivery, and a great transition to a bigger family with 2 newborns. I also ask for prayer that I stay in control of my emotions and don't complain too much as I get more and more uncomfortable each day. It's tough at times carrying two, but I know the reward is 1 million times greater than any struggle. To God be all the glory for this double miracle!!!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Changed the Boys' Names
After "deciding" on Nathan Elijah and Ben Alexander a few weeks ago, I really started thinking more about Ben Alexander. I liked Benjamin more than Ben but Lee said, "He will be called 'Ben' so we might as well name him Ben." We don't like naming a kid one thing knowing he/she will be called something else. Obviously there can be a nickname or they can choose to go by a variation, but we don't want to name our kids knowing they will automatically be called something else. Yes, we are weird.
So after a few weeks of saying, "I don't think I want to do Ben. It doesn't do much for me," Lee and I started thinking of other options. I had liked Nathan and Elijah but really loved the way Nathan Elijah rolled off the tongue. Well we figured out a couple of new name combos that we absolutely love.
Here they are:
Nathan Reid - "he God has given" "red" - We picked Reid because that is my mom's maiden name and I was very close to my grandfather since my dad wasn't around. The fact that it means "red" is funny because our family color is red. We love red. We love NCSU and are Republicans so there you go. Plus if the baby has red hair like Lee (very low probability) it will fit even more perfectly.
Elijah Matthew - "my God is the Lord" "gift of God" - I love the way this name flows and the meanings of both names. I think this is a great name.
We are super excited that we will know what our babies are this Friday and can assign their names to them. We are still set on the girls names, Alexis Faith and Anna Grace. If they are one of each, we will do Alexis Faith and Nathan Reid.
So after a few weeks of saying, "I don't think I want to do Ben. It doesn't do much for me," Lee and I started thinking of other options. I had liked Nathan and Elijah but really loved the way Nathan Elijah rolled off the tongue. Well we figured out a couple of new name combos that we absolutely love.
Here they are:
Nathan Reid - "he God has given" "red" - We picked Reid because that is my mom's maiden name and I was very close to my grandfather since my dad wasn't around. The fact that it means "red" is funny because our family color is red. We love red. We love NCSU and are Republicans so there you go. Plus if the baby has red hair like Lee (very low probability) it will fit even more perfectly.
Elijah Matthew - "my God is the Lord" "gift of God" - I love the way this name flows and the meanings of both names. I think this is a great name.
We are super excited that we will know what our babies are this Friday and can assign their names to them. We are still set on the girls names, Alexis Faith and Anna Grace. If they are one of each, we will do Alexis Faith and Nathan Reid.
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