Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My New Bed

As anyone who has carried a baby before knows, you never know what symptom or discomfort is going to come next. Now that all my morning sickness and other first trimester symptoms (minus peeing and needing more sleep) are gone and I am getting bigger, I am having more trouble with discomfort. My back, hips, pelvis, and stomach hurt at times. I think it is just because things are happening faster and I am already carrying a lot in my stomach.

The other night, the air conditioner wasn't working on the 2nd and 3rd floors so Lee and I slept downstairs (we put Luke on the second floor with a fan running on him all night). He slept in a recliner and I slept on the couch (he is the best husband). Well I noticed that I actually slept really good (minus having to go potty every couple of hours) with minimal shifting or discomfort. I laid down on the couch last night around 10:30 and fell asleep. Lee woke me when he went upstairs and I was sleeping so good I stayed on the couch.

I think this might be my new "bed" at least for the near future. I really don't like not sleeping with Lee, but I really love the comfort and not having to shift or worry about his arms and elbows during the night. Lee might like having a queen bed to himself. He better not get too used to it ;).

Another advantage is that we brought a shelf down with Luke's favorite toys, puzzles, books, and art stuff downstairs from the bonus room (since I wasn't wanting to climb two flights of stairs to hang out up there) and we have the Wii which we can play Netflix on, so Luke can come down in the morning and watch cartoons and play while I continue to rest or sleep. This morning I got to sleep until 10:30 because he is really good at playing and not getting into stuff. I am going to enjoy the rest and relaxation for the next 5 months as I know when we have two little ones it is going to be a long time (if ever) before I get to relax without worry. ;)

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